Thursday, 3 December 2009

Frosty Nights

I wrote this tut on 2nd of december,2009 for julies tutorials
Any resemblence to any other tutorials is purely coincidental.

supplies needed

you also need paintshop pro,i use version 12
A knowledge of paintshop pro is needed

other supplies needed
scrapkit used snow queen by Athena Designs
Snow Queens by ©BitsNBobs
font of your choice

lets begin

open a new image 700x700 on a white background

c/p frame2 as a new layer

click inside your frame using
your magicwand go to selections modify expand by 5

choice a paper from the kit,add a new layer and paste paper into selection,select none

c/p tree2 as a new layer go to image and resize to 500 pixels

c/p sparklecurtain  as a new layer go to image and resize to 400 pixels

c/p snowqueen2 as a new layer go to image and resize to 400 pixels

c/p moonglow1 as a new layer go to image and resize to 300 pixels

c/p icicles1 as a new layer go to image and resize to 500 pixels

c/p bling2 as a new layer go to image and resize to 500 pixels
duplicate go to image and mirror then flip

c/p flake1 as a new layer go to image and resize to 200 pixels
duplicate go to image and mirror

c/p a paper of your choice for the background

choose 2 colors to write out your text

add any copyrights and watermarks,merge all layers visible and resize
if needed

go to file export and save as jpeg

thanks for trying out my tut ,hope you enjoyed it :)

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