Tuesday, 2 March 2010

my bloody wedding

I wrote this tut on 2nd of march,2010 for julies tutorials
Any resemblence to any other tutorials is purely coincidental.

supplies needed

you also need paintshop pro,i use version 12
A knowledge of paintshop pro is needed

other supplies needed

Scrap kit my blood wedding by Addicted 2 Scraps
You can buy this kit from Here
Tube is By dark yarrow,you need a licence to use her work 
go to mypsptubes to purchase her tubes
Mask by  Weescotslass Creations
font of your choice

lets begin

open a new image 700x700 on a white background

copy and paste a paper of your choice,add a new layer
using your magic wand click inside your frame
go to selections>modify>expand by 5,paste paper
into selection>select none

copy and paste elements of your choice from the kit i used

A2S_MBW_elem3 resize to 500 pixels

A2S_MBW_elem12 resize to 100 pixels

A2S_MBW_elem20 resize to 600 pixels

A2S_MBW_elem28 resize to 400 pixels


A2S_MBW_elem43 resize to 500 pixels


A2S_MBW_elem42 resize to 500 pixels


A2S_MBW_elem64 resize to 400 pixels

A2S_MBW_elem62 resize to 200 pixels and duplicate

copy and paste any other elements that you wish to

copy and paste a tube of your choice or use one
of the posers that come with the kit
and resize if needed

copy and paste a paper of your choice,go to layers>load/save mask
and load mask from disk,choose your mask then apply it and
delete mask then merge group

choose 2 colors to write out your name with a font
of your choice

add any copyrights and watermarks,
merge all layers visible and resize if needed

go to file export and save as jpeg

thanks for trying out my tut ,hope you enjoyed it :)

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